Cold Route, 2023
Film – 13 min


Cold Route explores the relationships between climate zones, infrastructure, and food distribution. The film takes viewers on a journey through the landscapes of advertising, technology, and transport that shape distribution routes for perishable products from the Iberian Peninsula northwards. As soon as they are harvested, fruit and vegetables are set in motion in industrial processing plants and photography studios as part of an ongoing process of physical and visual displacement where perception and distribution become intertwined. This film introduces the spectator to cold routes and follows the flow of images and products that shape the logistics of the food sector.

Made in collaboration with Pol Esteve Castelló for the project Foodscapes curated by Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa and Manuel Ocaña for the Spanish Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia 2023 – 18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura.



Technical Details:

Title: Cold Route
Year: 2023
Duration: 13 min
Country: Spain
Format: 4K AppleProRes4444/DCP, Stereo


Venice, 20.05 - 26.11 2023   
Giardini – Spanish Pavilion


Research and Conceptualization: Pol Esteve Castelló and Gerard Ortín Castellví
Production: Pol Esteve Castelló and Gerard Ortín Castellví
Direction: Gerard Ortín Castellví
Editing: Ainara Elgoibar, Usue Arrieta, and Gerard Ortín Castellví
Assistant Producer: Bianca Hlywa
Camera Operator: Gerard Ortín Castellví
B-Camera Operator: Albert Badia
Sound Design: Oriol Campi Solé
Sound recording: Simon Williams
Color Grading: Alex O’Brien (OkayStudio)

Curated by Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa and Manuel Ocaña
Coordination: Ana Ara

Archive photographs: Courtesy of Ajuntament de Girona - SGDAP. Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge. (Fons Narcís Sans Prats, Salvador Crescenti Miró, Josep Crescenti Gironella.


Finesse Films (Mariu Monsalve, Esther Padial, Angelo Freda, Alejandro H. Madrid, Lis Acconciagio, Javier González, Juan Amundarain, Luis Giordana, Belén Menjibar), Ilerfred - Industrial Leridana del Frío SL. (Josep Llorens, Laia Torregrosa, Borja Rubio), Visafruits (Ramón Visa, Jordi Visa, Francesc Roig), CET el Pla (José Gallardo, Marisol Hernández, Alex Gimena), La Moreneta SAT (Ernesto Borbón), Mercabarna (Laura Quesada, Alba Puig, Roser Lapuente), TAE (Susana Haba, Raúl Gallardo, Míriam Pérez, Nuria Ardite, Jose Luis Molina, Javier Alvarez, David Nieto Acero, Jose Ignacio Bajo, Raúl Carhuamaca, Dustin Felipe Figueroa, Vanesa Noriega, Julià Julian, Miguel Abad, David Codesido, Javier Bastida, Bilal el Khayat, Ouiame Harrak, Mario Valbuena, Alejandro Gamero), Gabriel Àngel Ortín, Anna Maria Castellví, Boris Puyana Pla, Ros Gray, Wood Roberdeau.